
What is the ID number in Sweden?


  1. What is the ID number in Sweden?
  2. What is the 12 digit personal number in Sweden?
  3. How do I get a Swedish ID number?
  4. How do I register as a foreign employer in Sweden?
  5. What is my ID number?
  6. Where is the number of the ID?
  7. What is a 10 digit Swedish number?
  8. What's my identity number?
  9. What is the foreign ID number?
  10. How do I get a unique ID number?
  11. Can a foreigner register a company in Sweden?
  12. How can a non EU citizen work in Sweden?
  13. How many digits is ID number?
  14. Where is the ID number in national ID?
  15. How many digits is the ID number?
  16. How do I get a Swedish personal identity number?
  17. Do students need a Swedish ID number?
  18. How do I get a T-number in Sweden?
  19. What is a Swedish Social Security number?
  20. How do I get a Swedish personal identity number?
  21. Do foreigners need a Swedish identity card?
  22. What identity documents are used in Sweden?
  23. What happens if you don't have a Swedish identity document?

What is the ID number in Sweden?

Swedish health care and national health registers are dependent on the presence of a unique identifier. This paper describes the Swedish personal identity number (PIN) and explores ethical issues of its use in medical research. A ten-digit-PIN is maintained by the National Tax Board for all individuals that have resided in Sweden since 1947. Until January 2008, an estimated 75,638 individuals have changed PIN. The most common reasons for change of PIN are incorrect recording of date of birth or sex among immigrants or newborns. Although uncommon, change of sex always leads to change of PIN since the PIN is sex-specific. The most common reasons for re-use of PIN (n = 15,887), is when immigrants are assigned a PIN that has previously been assigned to someone else. This is sometimes necessary since there is a shortage of certain PIN combinations referring to dates of birth in the 1950s and 1960s. Several ethical issues can be raised pro and con the use of PIN in medical research. The Swedish PIN is a useful tool for linkages between medical registers and allows for virtually 100% coverage of the Swedish health care system. We suggest that matching of registers through PIN and matching of national health registers without the explicit approval of the individual patient is to the benefit for both the individual patient and for society.

Keywords: Civil registration number, Identification, Personal identity number, Pin, Population, Review, Sweden

In 1686 the Swedish church started to keep local registers of parish members, and population statistics began in 1749 [1] (Personal communication: Marie Lennersand, 8th Jan, 2009). This enabled the church, and through the church also the Swedish state, to keep a population census and to enrol soldiers for the army.

The personal identity number (PIN) was introduced in 1947 and then consisted of date of birth and a three-digit number. From 1947 and onwards, every individual that has resided in Sweden on a permanent basis (and been recorded in the Total population register, TPR) has been assigned a PIN. In 1967, a check digit was added to the three-digit number. The check digit verifies that data of birth and the three-digit number are correct. In 1991, when the responsibility for the local population registers was moved from the local parishes to the local tax offices, the National Tax Board took over the full responsibility for the Swedish PIN. When the local population registers were computerized in 1967, Statistics Sweden established the TPR.

In 1997, the National Tax Board initiated a new notification system with partially new data. As of today (year 2009), all notifications are delivered from the National Tax Board to other administrations, including Statistics Sweden, on a daily basis. Statistics Sweden stores all notifications with updates in a notification database.

The PIN is the unique identifier in the TPR [1]. The TPR includes data on name, place of residence, sex, age, civil status, place of birth (country, county, parish), citizenship, immigration (date, country, ground for settlement), and relations (married couples, child–parent). Until the year 2000, PINs were sometimes assigned also to individuals who had not entered into the TPR [3], but since that year individuals that do not qualify for a PIN receive a personal coordination number instead (see below). On Dec 31 2007 the total population of Sweden was 9,182,927. The estimated number of PIN’s in Sweden since 1969 is however, larger, and has been estimated to some 13,500,000 until Dec 31 2007 (Statistics Sweden).

What is the 12 digit personal number in Sweden?

A Personal Identity Number (Personnummer) in Sweden is a unique 12 digit identification number that is used for paying taxes in Sweden, and for many other practical things in Sweden. You will generally require this when opening a bank account, taking advantage of Swedish healthcare, or even when signing up for a gym membership. Your Swedish employer may also not be able to pay out your salary until you have have one. It is therefore important that this is done as soon as possible. In this article, we will show you how to get a Personal Identity Number in Sweden as a permit holder.

A Swedish Personal Identity Number is obtained by submitting an application to the Swedish Tax Agency after your arrival in Sweden. Before applying there are, however, a few things that need to be considered:

In order to obtain a Swedish Personal ID Number, you will need to prove in the application that you have the intention of staying in Sweden for more than 1 year. You will also need to have an address in Sweden for the registration process (a temporary address is generally accepted as long as it is not a hotel or similar). Third-country nationals (non-EU/EEA) applying for a Personal ID Number will also need to provide proof that they have obtained a residence permit allowing them to live in Sweden. 

How do I get a Swedish ID number?

Having a Swedish Personal Number – officially known as a personnummer – is necessary if you want to live in Sweden over the long term, and you should plan on getting this if you intend to live in Sweden more than one year. Once you have a personnummer you can do things like:

You can obtain a personnummer by registering with the Swedish Population Register through the government tax agency known as Skatteverket. Registrations cannot be made online. You must register in person at your local Skatteverket – there are over a hundred nationwide. For starters these are some basic items you will need to provide to register when you go to a Skatteverket office:

How do I register as a foreign employer in Sweden?

Depending on the tax implications of the presence in Sweden, it might be necessary to register for VAT and corporate tax (Sw. F-skatt) with the Swedish Tax Agency (Sw. Skatteverket). Registration for corporate tax is especially important when services are sold within Sweden as F-skatt implies that the purchaser of the services will not have to withhold tax on remuneration paid.

An obligation to register for VAT in Sweden can arise for a foreign company even if the company does not have a permanent establishment in Sweden, for instance, a company that transfers its own goods from another EU member state to Sweden is obliged to register for VAT in Sweden.

What is my ID number?

Your eight (8) digit Driver's License Number (DLN) or Photo Identification Card Number (IDN) is located on your Driver's License, Photo Identification Card, Learner's Permit and on most correspondences from PennDOT. See the samples below. The "DD" number listed at the bottom center of your Driver's License or Photo Identification Card is not the DLN or IDN. Your DLN or IDN is also printed on the bottom-left corner of your "Pennsylvania Driver License Renewal Application" or " Pennsylvania Photo Identification Card Renewal Application." Additionally, your DLN or IDN can be found on the old Driver's License or Photo Identification Card returned to you when you had your new photo taken. You may also be able to obtain your DLN from your insurance company. If you are unable to obtain your DLN or IDN from any of these suggested alternatives, please call the Customer Call Center at 717-412-5300. You will be asked a series of questions to establish your identity in order to receive your DLN or IDN.

Where is the number of the ID?

Your document number can be found in various places depending on what type of ID it is and when it was issued. If your license or ID was issued AFTER January 28, 2014, your document number can be found on the back; if it was issued BEFORE that date, you’ll find it in the lower right corner on the front of the card.

The document number is a mix of numbers and letters that can be 8-10 characters long. Your license number is 9 digits and all numbers, so this is a good way to tell them apart. You can also easily tell them apart because your ID number will generally be by itself on a line and contain spaces every 3 digits, whereas your document number will have no spaces. The following images from the NY DMV’s sample photo documents page show the different locations that your document number may be located based on the type of license you have.

What is a 10 digit Swedish number?

The Swedish ‘personnummer’ is a 10-digit number and it is structured in a similar way to a personality.

You can read more about the personal identification numbers and coordination numbers on the website of the Swedish Tax Agency. (Swedish Tax office) 

What's my identity number?

Your eight (8) digit Driver's License Number (DLN) or Photo Identification Card Number (IDN) is located on your Driver's License, Photo Identification Card, Learner's Permit and on most correspondences from PennDOT. See the samples below. The "DD" number listed at the bottom center of your Driver's License or Photo Identification Card is not the DLN or IDN. Your DLN or IDN is also printed on the bottom-left corner of your "Pennsylvania Driver License Renewal Application" or " Pennsylvania Photo Identification Card Renewal Application." Additionally, your DLN or IDN can be found on the old Driver's License or Photo Identification Card returned to you when you had your new photo taken. You may also be able to obtain your DLN from your insurance company. If you are unable to obtain your DLN or IDN from any of these suggested alternatives, please call the Customer Call Center at 717-412-5300. You will be asked a series of questions to establish your identity in order to receive your DLN or IDN.

What is the foreign ID number?

Compulsory military service may prevent the issuance of identity card or limit the validity period of the identity card to be issued. According to Finnish law, men of conscription age can be issued with an identity card with an expiry date no later than the end of the year of their 28th birthday, unless they can prove that conscription is not an impediment to their holding an identity card. 

Conscript’s clearance: Conscript’s clearance means that you have performed military or civilian service or that you have been exempted from service. The process to check conscript’s clearance status is being gradually automated, which is why a separate certificate is not always needed.

You can use any of the following to demonstrate conscript’s clearance:

How do I get a unique ID number?

On April 4, 2022, the federal government stopped using the DUNS Number to uniquely identify entities. Now, entities doing business with the federal government use the Unique Entity ID created in SAM.gov. They no longer have to go to a third-party website to obtain their identifier. This transition allows the government to streamline the entity identification and validation process, making it easier and less burdensome for entities to do business with the federal government.

The Integrated Award Environment (IAE) manages several systems including SAM.gov, FPDS, eSRS, FSRS, CPARS and FAPIIS. All SAM.gov registrants have been assigned their Unique Entity IDs and can view them in SAM.gov. To learn more about this transition, please see the information below. Join and follow our community on Interact to be notified of the latest news and information about changes happening at IAE.

If your entity is registered in SAM.gov today, your Unique Entity ID has already been assigned and is viewable in SAM.gov. This includes inactive registrations. The Unique Entity ID is located on your entity registration record. Remember, you must be signed in to your SAM.gov account to view entity records. To learn how to view your Unique Entity ID go to this help article.

Refer to the Guide to Getting a Unique Entity ID if you want to get a Unique Entity ID for your organization without having to complete an entity registration. If you only conduct certain types of transactions, such as reporting as a sub-awardee, you may not need to complete an entity registration. Your entity may only need a Unique Entity ID.

If you operate a system that connects with IAE systems, documentation about using APIs to access SAM.gov is found at is open.GSA.gov. The latest version of FPDS ATOM feed includes the Unique Entity ID.

Can a foreigner register a company in Sweden?

Registration of foreign companies in Sweden - verksamt.se

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How can a non EU citizen work in Sweden?

Here you can read about work permits and residence permits in Sweden. You can find out about the regulations that apply if you want to live and work in Sweden as a Nordic citizen, as a citizen of a country in the EU/EEA, or as a citizen of country outside the EU/EEA.

The common Nordic labour market is a cornerstone of the Nordic co-operation. In 1954, the Nordic countries signed an agreement on a common Nordic labour market, which gives Nordic citizens the right to freely take jobs and live in another Nordic country.

How many digits is ID number?

The first identity documents were issued to Romanian citizens as a result of Decree No. 947 of 24.03.1921 which approved the Implementing Regulations of the Law nr.812 of 03.19.1915.

These documents were called bulletins registration office population and their contents match the information on your civil status, nickname, home address, occupation and semnalmentele holder (stature, hair, forehead, eyebrows, eyes, nose, mouth, chin, face, complexion special marks).

Although the regulation has established a pattern of ballot enrollment in public office, because they were made for each county, they were different in size, colour and sometimes even content.

  • Series and number of the ID card (changes every time the bearer changes the ID card)
  • CNP (Romanian: Cod Numeric Personal; English: Personal Numerical Code) the same for every ID card of the individual (see below)
  • Surname(s)
  • Given name(s)
  • Sex
  • Names of the parents (replaced with the nationality since 2009)
  • Date of birth (not explicitly written on ID-2, but included in CNP)
  • Address
  • Issuing authority (mostly "SPCLEP <City>")
  • Validity (issuing date (DD.MM.YY) and expiration date (DD.MM.YYYY))

Also it has two rows of optical readable information, like the passports.

Where is the ID number in national ID?

The Nigerian National Identification Number (NIN) is issued and managed by National Identity Management Commission (NIMC), and it is a set of eleven digits (e.g.: 134789009), assigned to Nigerians of all ages, and legal residents by the Government.[3]

In Argentina the only nationally issued identification is the DNI, Documento Nacional de Identidad (National Identity Document). It is a number not related to anything in particular about the person (except for immigrants who get assigned numbers starting at 92,000,000). It is assigned at birth by the Registro Nacional de las Personas (National Registry for People), but parents need to sign up their children, and because of this there are some people, especially the poor, who do not have a DNI.

The ID is required for applying for credit, opening a bank account, and for voting. Law requires a person to show his or her DNI when using a credit card. Prior to the DNI the LC (Libreta Cívica, for women), and LE (Libreta de Enrolamiento, for men) were used. This was later unified in the DNI.

How many digits is the ID number?

The Nigerian National Identification Number (NIN) is issued and managed by National Identity Management Commission (NIMC), and it is a set of eleven digits (e.g.: 134789009), assigned to Nigerians of all ages, and legal residents by the Government.[3]

In Argentina the only nationally issued identification is the DNI, Documento Nacional de Identidad (National Identity Document). It is a number not related to anything in particular about the person (except for immigrants who get assigned numbers starting at 92,000,000). It is assigned at birth by the Registro Nacional de las Personas (National Registry for People), but parents need to sign up their children, and because of this there are some people, especially the poor, who do not have a DNI.

The ID is required for applying for credit, opening a bank account, and for voting. Law requires a person to show his or her DNI when using a credit card. Prior to the DNI the LC (Libreta Cívica, for women), and LE (Libreta de Enrolamiento, for men) were used. This was later unified in the DNI.

How do I get a Swedish personal identity number?

You can get a Swedish personal identity number when you register in the Swedish population register through the Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket). The personal identity number is widely used throughout your daily life, whether it is for memberships and subscriptions, opening a bank account, joining an insurance plan.

Do students need a Swedish ID number?

Students who are staying in Sweden for more than a year must apply for an official Swedish personal identity number. All students who don’t already have a Swedish ID number are assigned a temporary number by the university.

How do I get a T-number in Sweden?

Exchange students get a T-number from their host department and international students can see their T-number at www.universityadmissions.se on their notification of selection results. The T-number can only be used at Stockholm University. If you are studying in Sweden for longer than one year, apply for a Swedish personal identity number.

What is a Swedish Social Security number?

It is a ten digit number that is widely used in Sweden to identify individuals. When it was introduced in 1947 it was probably the first of its kind covering the total resident population of a country (the Social Security number in the United States is older by 12 years, but it did not originally cover the whole population).

How do I get a Swedish personal identity number?

  • You can get a Swedish personal identity number when you register in the Swedish population register through the Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket). The personal identity number is widely used throughout your daily life, whether it is for memberships and subscriptions, opening a bank account, joining an insurance plan.

Do foreigners need a Swedish identity card?

  • The Swedish Tax Agency issues identity cards for anyone fulfilling the requirement of being population registered in Sweden, and can provide an accepted means of identifying oneself. This last rule caused many problems for foreigners and even some Swedes between 20.

What identity documents are used in Sweden?

  • The most commonly used identity documents in Sweden is the driver's license (for those that have passed a driver's test) and the national identity card issued by the Police.

What happens if you don&#39;t have a Swedish identity document?

  • In these cases a Swedish identity document is usually expected by authorities like the police. A person found committing a crime like speeding or no bus ticket, having no identity document, will be taken to the police station and kept until the identity is certified (even if identity documents are not compulsory).