
How much does it cost to get a divorce in Sweden?


  1. How much does it cost to get a divorce in Sweden?
  2. How do I get divorce papers in Sweden?
  3. Who initiates divorce Sweden?
  4. What is the easiest way to get through a divorce?
  5. What are the reasons for divorce in Sweden?
  6. What happens after divorce in Sweden?
  7. Who usually files for divorce?
  8. What are the 5 stages of divorce?
  9. Why divorce hurts years later?
  10. What were the 3 reasons for divorce?
  11. What are the 4 stages after divorce?
  12. How many days after divorce?
  13. What are the main reasons for divorce?
  14. What is the number one reason for divorce?
  15. How do I know if I want a divorce?
  16. Can a spouse get a divorce in Sweden?
  17. How do I dissolve a marriage in Sweden?
  18. How do I file a petition for divorce with a Swedish court?
  19. What is a no-fault divorce in Sweden?
  20. Can a spouse get a divorce in Sweden?
  21. How do I dissolve a marriage in Sweden?
  22. What is a no-fault divorce in Sweden?
  23. How is property divided in a Swedish divorce?

How much does it cost to get a divorce in Sweden?

In this article, family lawyer Johan Lindgren provides brief information on how to file for divorce alone or jointly and gives general answers to common questions related to divorce in Sweden i.e. custody and division of property.

Advokatbyrån Familj & Försvar’s (Law Firm Family & Defence) lawyers are specialists in divorces, division of property, family law, custody disputes, children’s residence and right of contact with children, and court proceedings. We have a confidentiality obligation. At Advokatbyrån Familj & Försvar you can feel safe and you get helped by specialists. We help you apply for legal protection through your legal assistance insurance or legal aid and we offer an initial free consultation by telephone.

How do I get divorce papers in Sweden?

Requirements to obtain a decree of divorce in Sweden

There is only one kind of divorce in Sweden. It arises irrespective of whether or not the couple are in agreement. Under certain circumstances the divorce must be preceded by a six-month period for reconsideration. That is the case:

Who initiates divorce Sweden?

The Swedish have in place a civil law system mostly dependent on statutory law. The German-Roman tradition of the European continental countries has influenced the development of Swedish law.[6] The first comprehensive Swedish Code, consisting of all its codified laws, was the Civil Code of 1734, and is divided into the following Books:

  • The Book of Marriage
  • The Book of Parents
  • The Book of Inheritance
  • The Book of Land
  • The Book of Building
  • The Book of Commerce
  • The Book of Crimes
  • The Book of Judicial Procedure
  • The Book of execution of Judgments

Divorce is governed by the Marriage Code of 1987.[9] Chapter 5 of the Code provides for the grounds of divorce. The laws regarding maintenance of spouses after divorce are set out in Chapter 6. Procedures for divorce come under Chapter 14. Other provisions regarding the child custody and child maintenance are set out in the Children and Parents Code.

What is the easiest way to get through a divorce?

Going through a separation or divorce can be very difficult, no matter the reason for it. It can turn your world upside down and make it hard to get through the work day and stay productive. But there are things you can do to get through this difficult adjustment.

Recognize that it’s OK to have different feelings. It’s normal to feel sad, angry, exhausted, frustrated and confused—and these feelings can be intense. You also may feel anxious about the future. Accept that reactions like these will lessen over time. Even if the marriage was unhealthy, venturing into the unknown is frightening.

What are the reasons for divorce in Sweden?

One of the spouses or both of them together may apply for a divorce. The divorce must be preceded by a six-month period for reconsideration in certain circumstances. This is the case:

  • if both spouses request it;
  • if one of the spouses lives permanently with a child of theirs who is under the age of 16 and is in that spouse’s custody; or
  • if only one of the spouses wishes for the marriage to be dissolved.

In certain exceptional cases, however, couples covered by the above points also have the right to divorce without a period for reconsideration. This is the case if the couple has been living apart for two years. One spouse also has the right to a divorce without first having a period for reconsideration if it is found to be likely that the spouse was forced to enter into the marriage, or if the spouse entered into the marriage before the age of 18 without the proper official licence. If the marriage was entered into even though the spouses are closely related to one another, or if the marriage was entered into even though one of the spouses was already married or a partner in a registered partnership and the previous marriage or partnership had not been dissolved, each of the spouses has the right to a divorce without first having a period for reconsideration.

A spouse always has the right to obtain a decree for divorce and does not need to rely on any special grounds for such a decree.

If one of the spouses took the other spouse’s surname, that spouse has the right to revert to the surname that he or she last used before the marriage.

What happens after divorce in Sweden?

We independently review and list the top divorce lawyers and family solicitors in the towns and cities near you. 100% free.

Who usually files for divorce?

While society has come a long way in doing away with traditional gender roles, the institution of marriage seems to be lagging behind. Women are working more outside the home today than they ever have before, making up just over half the workforce in the U.S. Still, in many marriages, women are strapped with the lion’s share of domestic duties even though they have more on their plates outside the walls of their home. In many homes, wives are still expected to do the majority of the cooking, cleaning, and childcare. Even when both the husband and wife are employed full-time, this remains the same. For example, a 2019 report from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics revealed that on an average day, 20 percent of men did housework, like cleaning or laundry, compared with 49 percent of women.

To make this matter worse, many women report that their husbands aren’t supportive when they have highly successful careers. In fact, a 2019 study published in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin showed that many men experienced “psychological distress” if their wives earned over 40 percent of the household income. If a woman doesn’t feel supported in her career or at home, she might start to wonder why she’s in the marriage in the first place.

What are the 5 stages of divorce?

The five stages of divorce follow the common five stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. When a couple is going through a divorce, both people involved experience these stages at different times, in different ways. Understanding how affected people move through divorce grief helps make the process more manageable, although not less difficult.

Each person reacts to the loss of their marriage differently and it’s important to remember that grief and healing are completely individualized processes. Although divorce grief stages present in a specific order, it is unlikely that someone will move through the stages one after the other. It is common to move through stages simultaneously or circle back to a previous stage at any time. 

Why divorce hurts years later?

When one of my kids remarked that he thought there was a profound sadness in me, I was taken aback. He has seen me in a good, solid, happy relationship for several years now, and while life isn’t without its challenges, in general, I have no complaints.

And then it occurred to me.

What were the 3 reasons for divorce?

The idea of “growing apart” as a couple can be hard to comprehend. Yet, in a research study of divorcing parents , 55% gave this statement as the reason for their separation. So what does this “reason” actually mean?

In the early days, months, and years of a relationship, a couple may seem inseparable. They can’t wait to be together, and when they are apart, long for that moment when they are reunited.

What are the 4 stages after divorce?

Being in denial doesn’t mean you refuse to accept the truth. Denial comes from being incapable of processing what’s happening. There’s just too much to take in at once. It’s natural to try and avoid conflict. But there may be very real problems that aren’t going away. Does this sound familiar?

She’ll get over it, she always does.” Or “He didn’t mean that. He’ll apologize and we’ll be fine.” With denial, there may be confusion or fear. Euphoria the nightmare is ending. Or shock because you didn’t see it coming. You may feel you have to make the marriage work no matter how unhappy you are now. You may cry, have headaches, be stressed-out. Everyone grieves differently, with different intensities.

How many days after divorce?

It depends on your situation and your reason for getting a divorce. If you are the victim of either adultery or cruelty (i.e. intense physical and emotional abuse which has rendered continued cohabitation intolerable) then it may be possible for you to obtain a divorce instantly. However, these two grounds are difficult to prove and require convincing circumstantial evidence.

If instead the only reason fueling your desire to obtain a divorce is because you and your spouse no longer love each other, or do not get along, then there is a mandatory one year separation period that must be satisfied. Also, you should be aware of what constitutes separation for the purposes of divorce because it is possible for you and your spouse to live in the same house and yet be considered to be living separate and apart for the purposes of the Divorce Act.

What are the main reasons for divorce?

According to the American Psychological Association, about 90 percent of us get married before we turn 50. Some of those marriages go the distance, withstanding the test of time and flourishing for decades to come. Others fall upon rocky times; in fact, the APA notes that someWhat causes the divorce rate to be so high? There is no one answer to that question where between 40 percent and 50 percent of marriages end in divorce.

What causes the divorce rate to be so high? There is no one answer to that question; indeed, there are a number of factors that can assail and ultimately undermine a marriage, sometimes leading to reconciliation but sometimes ending in the marriage’s dissolution.

What is the number one reason for divorce?

In 2021, a total of 689,308 divorces occurred across the 45 U.S. states that report this statistics.[1] During that same year, 1,985,072 marriages occurred, making the U.S. marriage rate 6 per 1,000 people.[1]

Far more people get married over the course of each year than get divorced. These divorce statistics show what happens to marriages that end, and when and how couples decide to end them.

When considering the divorce rate, it is helpful to understand there are two different measures used.

  • The crude divorce rate refers to how many divorces occur per 1,000 people
  • The refined divorce rate refers to how many divorces occur per 1,000 married women

The refined divorce rate is often believed to be more accurate. When measuring on a per-population basis, changes in marriage trends could affect the data on rates of divorce. However, as a growing number of same-sex couples marry, divorce statistics based solely on divorces per married women may become less relevant.[6]

Trends in divorce have changed over time, with the number of people dissolving their unions decreasing.

Couples report many different reasons for ending a marital relationship. However, these are the most common explanations cited by divorcing couples.

How do I know if I want a divorce?

Anzab says, "Small irritations in all aspects of life can start to impact you in a huge way. We've all experienced this feeling. Maybe something that you once found endearing in your partner is now the source of your frustration." For example, if you used to love how loudly he sings in the shower, it may drive you crazy now. Anzab suggests opening up lines of communication between you and your partner before your annoyance and frustration turns into hatred and disconnect. So if you notice that her hair in the brush that you share is starting to really bug you, talk to her about it before it becomes a much bigger issue.

Can a spouse get a divorce in Sweden?

In Sweden spouses can divorce by mutual agreement or, if one of the parties refuses to divorce, upon the request of the other spouse. You apply for divorce at the district court. 2. What are the most common reasons that spouses may invoke? The spouses don’t have to give any reasons. 3. How long does it take to divorce in Sweden?

How do I dissolve a marriage in Sweden?

Unlike many countries, there's no need to provide a reason for choosing to dissolve the marriage; it's enough to submit both partners' personal details. It's also useful to know that you are always entitled to a translator when contacting Swedish government authorities and courts, including district courts and the Tax Agency, for example.

How do I file a petition for divorce with a Swedish court?

The first condition for filing a petition for divorce with a Swedish court is that the Swedish court must have the jurisdiction to hear the case. In addition to the provisions of the Brussels II Regulation, the following cases are also covered according to autonomous rules of Swedish court jurisdiction:

What is a no-fault divorce in Sweden?

Under marriage laws in Sweden, a divorce does not require any showing of fault or wrongdoing by either party as a ground for divorce. So long as the spouses agree to dissolve their marriage, they would be entitled to a divorce. This practice is commonly known as no-fault divorce.

Can a spouse get a divorce in Sweden?

  • In Sweden spouses can divorce by mutual agreement or, if one of the parties refuses to divorce, upon the request of the other spouse. You apply for divorce at the district court. 2. What are the most common reasons that spouses may invoke? The spouses don’t have to give any reasons. 3. How long does it take to divorce in Sweden?

How do I dissolve a marriage in Sweden?

  • Unlike many countries, there's no need to provide a reason for choosing to dissolve the marriage; it's enough to submit both partners' personal details. It's also useful to know that you are always entitled to a translator when contacting Swedish government authorities and courts, including district courts and the Tax Agency, for example.

What is a no-fault divorce in Sweden?

  • Under marriage laws in Sweden, a divorce does not require any showing of fault or wrongdoing by either party as a ground for divorce. So long as the spouses agree to dissolve their marriage, they would be entitled to a divorce. This practice is commonly known as no-fault divorce.

How is property divided in a Swedish divorce?

  • According to Swedish law, two spouses who are getting divorced must divide their marital property between them and sign a written property division agreement. The main rule, if Swedish law is applicable to the division of property, is that the net worth of the spouses’ marital property should be divided equally between them.