
How do I register my marriage in Skatteverket?


  1. How do I register my marriage in Skatteverket?
  2. How to apply for marriage certificate in Sweden?
  3. Do you need witnesses to get married in Sweden?
  4. How do I register a partnership in Sweden?
  5. What is proof of marriage in Sweden?
  6. Who pays for the wedding in Sweden?
  7. How do I change my last name after marriage in Sweden?
  8. Can you get married without meeting the person?
  9. What are the marital status options in Sweden?
  10. What are the benefits of marriage in Sweden?
  11. How do I find my marriage records in Sweden?
  12. Do you get a marriage certificate in Sweden?
  13. Does the brides father pay?
  14. Do the wives parents pay for the wedding?
  15. Do you change surname after marriage?
  16. Who should register a marriage in Sweden?
  17. How much does it cost to get married in Sweden?
  18. Can a Swedish citizen marry a same-sex partner?
  19. What if a partner is not registered in Sweden?
  20. How do I get a marriage licence in Sweden?
  21. Can I get married abroad in Sweden?
  22. How do I register a Swedish divorce in the US?
  23. How do I get a Swedish passport if I live abroad?

How do I register my marriage in Skatteverket?

You can apply to the Swedish Tax Agency for consideration of impediments to marriage by filling in form SKV 7880 (which is in Swedish), and posting it to us at the address stated on the form. Alternatively, you can hand it in at a Swedish state service centre. Depending on your situation, you might need to submit further documents to confirm your entitlement to get married.

How to apply for marriage certificate in Sweden?

  • 1 Procedure
  • 2 Required Documents
  • 3 Office Locations & Contacts
  • 4 Eligibility
  • 5 Fees
  • 6 Validity
  • 7 Documents to Use
  • 8 Sample Documents
  • 9 Processing Time
  • 10 Related Videos
  • 11 Instructions
  • 12 Required Information
  • 13 Need for the Document
  • 14 Information which might help
  • 15 Other uses of the Document/Certificate
  • 16 External Links
  • 17 Others

A marriage certificate (also known as marriage record or certified certificate of marriage) is an official recorded document issued by a governmental authority that proves that the couple listed on the marriage certificate have a legal marriage. However in Sweden you have to register the certificate for it to be legally binding.

  • After the wedding ceremony, you will get a marriage certificate in Swedish, you can also request one in English. This does not apply legally, but can be seen as a memory from the marriage ceremony.
  • Visit the Swedish tax agency for registration of the marriage certificate. A marriage contract, may be designed in many different ways. Therefore, the Swedish Tax Agency has no completed forms, so you don’t require to fill a form for the registration  
  • If you are calling from Sweden: 0771-567 567 If you are calling from abroad: +46 8 764 92 10 E-mail: [email protected] Website: https://www.skatteverket.se Embassy

    Do you need witnesses to get married in Sweden?

    So you want to get married in Sweden!? Congrats! And welcome to the club.

    I’ve recently went through the process, and it’s not nearly as confusing or arduous as you might think.

    In this guide, we will go over the step by step process of getting married in Sweden: how to obtain a marriage license, cost of a wedding, and timetable for processing the documents and booking your date.

    How do I register a partnership in Sweden?

    1. What is the legal system in your jurisdiction based on (for example, civil law, common law or a mixture of both)?

    Traditionally, the Swedish legal system has been thought of as a civil law system. However, the system does not fit perfectly into either the civil law or common law category. The Swedish system is comprised of a mixture of both statutory and case law, and also has a degree of built in self-regulation. The system is part of the Nordic legal family, which is distinct from the Anglo-American, Germanic and Roman legal families and is often referred to as a "third way" between the common law and civil law systems.

    2. What are the main forms of business vehicle used in your jurisdiction? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each vehicle?

    A distinction is normally made between companies (bolag) and associations (föreningar). The main form of business vehicle used in Sweden is the limited liability company. There are four different kinds of companies under Swedish law:

    • Limited liability company (aktiebolag).

    • General partnership (handelsbolag).

    • Limited partnership (kommanditbolag).

    • Non–registered partnership (enkla bolag).

    3. What are the most common options for foreign companies establishing a business presence in your jurisdiction?

    A foreign entity wishing to establish a business presence in Sweden can do so either through incorporation of a limited liability company (aktiebolag) or through the registration of a branch (filial). From a risk perspective, using a limited liability company is advantageous as it creates a separate legal entity.

    8. How is a private limited liability company or equivalent corporate vehicle most commonly used by foreign companies to establish a business in your jurisdiction formed?

    What is proof of marriage in Sweden?

    Before you get married in Sweden, you’ll need to plan your journey and find a place to stay. Start by booking your flights to secure the best deals on airfare. After setting your travel dates, look for Stockholm accommodations that suit your needs.

    Reaching Stockholm City is a breeze, thanks to its excellent connectivity via multiple airlines. No matter where you’re traveling from, you’ll find it easy to book a flight that whisks you away to the heart of Scandinavia for your plan to get married in Sweden.

    You can discover the most affordable way to travel by booking the cheapest flights on Trip.com! Upon arrival at the Stockholm airport, you’ll have various options to travel to Stockholm City.

    Who pays for the wedding in Sweden?

    Marriage in Ethiopia starts with the groom's side sending elders (Shimagle) who then request a union between the parties. The elders discuss a dowry (ጧሎሽ) and verify that the intended bride and groom are not relatives by checking their lineage a minimum of seven generations. After a dowry is agreed upon and it has been determined that there is no relationship between the intended bride and groom, the wedding is announced and the families begin preparations for a church/mosque ceremony and a mels(i) ceremony[clarify]. On the wedding day the groom and groomsmen (ሚዜ) get ready at the groom's house early in the morning and proceed to the bride's parents house to begin the wedding ceremonies. At the bride's parents' house, the bride gets ready and is seated awaiting the groom's arrival. As the groom and his wedding party arrive, the bride's family and friends ceremonially block the entrance to the house. The groomsmen have to either serenade or bribe their way into the house so that the groom can take the bride with him. Additionally, the best man holds perfume and sprays it everywhere inside the bride's family house. After this ceremony, the groom retrieves his bride and they along with a procession go to a church/mosque to take their wedding vows.

    After the religious ceremony, the wedding procession moves to a park/garden where lunch is served to guests. Afterwards, the wedding party typically takes pictures while guests make their way to the reception. At the reception, depending on the family's ethnic group there are several traditional dances performed. Ethiopian weddings typically serve Ethiopian food and live music and the party typically goes on into the early morning. To close the wedding ceremony, elders are seated at the exit of the venue and the bride and groom along with the wedding party bow and kiss the knees of the elders as they exit the venue. This is typically the conclusion the first day of a typical Ethiopian wedding.

    Although Christian weddings in the Arab World bear similarities to Western weddings, whereas Muslim weddings in the Arab countries are influenced by Muslim traditions. Muslim weddings start with a Sheikh and Katb Al-kitaab (book) for the bride and groom. A wedding is not Islamically valid unless both bride and groom are willing, and the groom is often encouraged to visit her before the wedding (as advised in many hadith of the Islamic prophet Muhammad). However, these visits must be chaperoned to ensure purity of action between the two. It is the custom that the groom and his family pay for all the wedding expenses. The bride's family gather together before the wedding in the bride's parents house. The groom's family come and take the bride from the house in a decorated car along with the one bride's mate which usually is the bride's sister, cousin, or best friend. The rest of the family and close friends follow in their cars, honking the car's horns. The reception is usually for all the family and friends, usually with a meal and cake. Candy covered almonds is a traditional giveaway from the couple. There is a lot of dancing and (zaghareet) Ululation. The Muslims tradition is to have men in one side and women in another so the ladies can remove their head covering. However, in non-Muslim traditions the whole wedding is for both sexes.

    How do I change my last name after marriage in Sweden?

    Go to TillSverige

    I am an American citizen currently living and studying in Malmö and have an uppehållskort, no Swedish citizenship yet. I want to change my last name, but I'm a little bit confused if I can do it here or if I have to go back to the US and do it there. It seems to me that if I change it via Skatteverket, the US embassy can change my passport, but I don't think social security will accept a foreign name change document? If I have to do it in the US, all my documents (social security card, birth certificate, drivers license, passport, etc...) will be changed reflecting my new last name, but my uppehållskort won't, so I'm worried immigration at the airport might give me problems about it.

    Can you get married without meeting the person?

    You can get married online to someone in almost any country. However, if your future spouse is a citizen of a different country, you’ll need to check the legalities. Everyone can get married online with us. From every country. The legal matter is whether your country will accept/recognize this marriage (as most countries do). The marriage will be conducted in the US and 100% legal in the US. Contact us to clarify with your specific case. 

    In most areas, even if online marriage isn’t a common practice, an online wedding “hosted in” a country where it’s legally recognized is legitimate. Since the wedding takes place at a digital venue, it can happen in any state or country where online weddings are legal.

    If you want to marry someone who lives, studies, or works abroad, you can make it happen. But, you need to follow critical procedures that legalize and legitimize your marriage.

    These steps correspond to the same steps necessary for an in-person wedding. Let’s go through them one by one.

    What are the marital status options in Sweden?

    To examine the association between marital status and dementia in a cohort of young-old (50–64) and middle-old (65–74) adults, and also whether this may differ by gender.

    Owing to the global increase in life expectancy, the number of people suffering from age-related diseases such as dementia will rise substantially and represents one of the most serious challenges of the 21st century.1 Therefore, it is increasingly important to identify attributes and groups at increased risk and factors that can reduce the risk of dementia.

    A growing body of the literature indicates that aspects of social relationships are associated with the incidence of dementia.2 3 One aspect that has drawn increasing interest in recent years concerns the effect of marriage on dementia. Among the few studies explicitly investigating this, the majority have found marriage/cohabitation to have a beneficial effect on dementia risk,3–7 although this is not consistently reported.8 Moreover, there is conflicting evidence as to whether all or just some unmarried states are related to dementia risk; whereas some studies have found an association only for those who are single,3 5 others have reported an association for single and divorced people,4 while still others have found increased risk of dementia only among widows/widowers.6 7

    Many researchers have highlighted gender differences in the effect of marital status on various physical health outcomes, generally showing men to benefit more from marriage than women do.9 10 For example, one study reported a 250% higher mortality rate for unmarried compared with married men, and a 50% higher mortality rate for unmarried compared with married women.11 Furthermore, a longitudinal study of a Finnish cohort6 found non-cohabitant men to demonstrate higher ratios of experiencing a cognitive impairment later in life compared with non-cohabitant women. Although it is reasonable to believe that there may be gender differences in dementia risk among the single, divorced and widowed, to the best of our knowledge this has not been explicitly examined before.

    What are the benefits of marriage in Sweden?

    Becoming a citizen of Sweden through marriage can provide a range of benefits, including access to job opportunities, social benefits, and political rights. However, the specific perks will depend on your personal circumstances and qualifications.

    As a Swedish citizen, you would have the right to work, study, and live in Sweden without any restrictions. You would also be eligible for social benefits, such as healthcare, pensions, and unemployment benefits. Moreover, as a citizen, you would be able to vote and participate in local and national elections, as well as hold public office.

    How do I find my marriage records in Sweden?

    Sweden How to Find Birth, Marriage, and Death Records in Sweden

    The vast majority of your genealogical research for Sweden will be in church records that are available online. You do not have to be fluent in Swedish to read these records because they often used key words in the records. In the Wiki, methods for locating and reading church records are given specifically for each county.

    Click on the map or list below to find detailed instructions and online collections for the county where your ancestors lived. Click here if you don't know which county to choose.

    Do you get a marriage certificate in Sweden?

    According to Swedish law, all non-residents/non-citizens of Sweden who wish to get married in Sweden should present a document from their home country stating their marital status. There is no national marriage registry in the U.S., so no equivalent national document can be obtained from the U.S. However, certain states/counties may issue a document regarding a person’s marital status, or a so-called “Record of No Record”. Check with your local County Clerk’s office, or Vital Statistics office, to find out if such a document is available. If not, ask the office to state in writing that no such document exists in the particular state. You may easily find the websites of these offices by using a search engine, such as Google.

    The Swedish tax authorities are aware of the difficulties in obtaining a document relating to marital status from the U.S. If no such document is available from your home state, and the county clerk’s office or Vital Statistics office, would not give you a written statement regarding the unavailability, the Swedish tax authorities (Skatteverket) may waive this requirement. Make sure to check with the tax authorities.

    In addition to the U.S. document concerning your marital status previously described, the Swedish tax authorities will ask you to submit information regarding the regulations of marriage in your state. The Embassy can unfortunately not assist in obtaining the marriage laws from individual states in the U.S. You should contact you county clerk’s office and ask for a certified extract of the rules governing marriage in your particular state/county (i.e. what the requirements are to obtain a Marriage License). The regulations must be certified and signed by an authorized official, and be stamped and dated. The Swedish tax authorities will accept a faxed copy.

    Both groom and bride will also complete a form regarding marital status, Hindersprövning, which is obtained from the Swedish tax authorities (Skatteverket ). A personal appearance is needed to submit the paperwork.

    Please note: Make sure to contact the Swedish tax authorities well in advance of your planned wedding to make sure you are in possession of all necessary documents.

    Does the brides father pay?

    Traditionally, the bride's family was responsible for most costs associated with the wedding, including everything from invitations and the cake to accommodations for bridesmaids. While you may expect that the wedding dress would fall to the bride's family, big-ticket items such as a wedding planner, a photographer, and venue costs would also be expected to be paid for by her family.

    Today, however, this is rarely the division that happens. "While some couples do prefer to honor the tradition for which family pays for certain items, we open the discussion to our couples without the pressure of 'following suit' and what it means to follow tradition for tradition's sake versus what the family is comfortable with," Fritz says. "Hosting weddings in the current times are much different than they were when traditions like payments were established."

    Be sure to budget an estimate of your expenses in an Excel spreadsheet. Your respective parents can then look over the spreadsheet and offer some high-level feedback, as well as volunteer for where they'd like to pitch in. This is also valuable if one or both sets of parents are divorced, or other scenarios where multiple parties may be involved.

    Do the wives parents pay for the wedding?

    Traditionally, the bride's family was responsible for most costs associated with the wedding, including everything from invitations and the cake to accommodations for bridesmaids. While you may expect that the wedding dress would fall to the bride's family, big-ticket items such as a wedding planner, a photographer, and venue costs would also be expected to be paid for by her family.

    Today, however, this is rarely the division that happens. "While some couples do prefer to honor the tradition for which family pays for certain items, we open the discussion to our couples without the pressure of 'following suit' and what it means to follow tradition for tradition's sake versus what the family is comfortable with," Fritz says. "Hosting weddings in the current times are much different than they were when traditions like payments were established."

    Be sure to budget an estimate of your expenses in an Excel spreadsheet. Your respective parents can then look over the spreadsheet and offer some high-level feedback, as well as volunteer for where they'd like to pitch in. This is also valuable if one or both sets of parents are divorced, or other scenarios where multiple parties may be involved.

    Do you change surname after marriage?

    Vid ett villaköp tillkommer ofta stora kostnader i form av pantbrev och lagfart. Glöm inte bort att såväl lagfartskostnad som pantbrev är avdragsgillt. Bara detta kan spara dig många tusenlappar.

    Who should register a marriage in Sweden?

    If you are married or a registered partner, your close relative should register your marriage or partnership with the Swedish Tax Agency. Read more about how to apply for a residence permit to move to a spouse, registered partner or cohabiting partner in Sweden

    How much does it cost to get married in Sweden?

    The total cost of getting married in Sweden is $80. ( note this excludes flights to and from Sweden, and the engagement and wedding rings). Yep, you read that right. $80 and I am now a happily married man to my love.

    Can a Swedish citizen marry a same-sex partner?

    However, for same-sex couples where neither partner is a Swedish citizen or resident, at least one partner must have citizenship in a country where same-sex marriage or partnership is legal.

    What if a partner is not registered in Sweden?

    If one or both partners is not registered ( folkbokförd) in Sweden, or in other words if they don't have a personal number, they will need to prove their identity and current (single or divorced) marital status from the relevant authority in their country of residence or citizenship.

    How do I get a marriage licence in Sweden?

    • A marriage licence is a personal document showing that you have the right to get married. This means that two Swedish citizens getting married before a foreign authority each need a licence. If you are a Swedish citizen and registered in Sweden, you apply for a marriage licence from the Swedish Tax Agency by filling in the form SKV 7881.

    Can I get married abroad in Sweden?

    • You can get married abroad before either a Swedish or a foreign authority. After getting married abroad, you must present a certificate to the Swedish Tax Agency to confirm that the marriage has taken place. If the Tax Agency deems the marriage to be valid in Sweden, it is registered in the population register.

    How do I register a Swedish divorce in the US?

    • If you wish to register your Swedish divorce in the U.S., you need have your Divorce Decree from the District Court (Tingsratten) translated by an authorized translator , and obtain an Apostille certification from a Swedish notary public (found in the phone book under “notarius publicus”).

    How do I get a Swedish passport if I live abroad?

    • If you are a Swedish citizen but reside abroad, you must instead contact the closest Swedish embassy or consulate. If you are registered in Sweden but not a Swedish citizen, you can present a document that confirms your civil status, for example Extract from the Population Register.